
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Finn. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Parents
--- avant 1875 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Bartholomew 5. novembre 1868 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Bridget 7. septembre 1871 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Catherine 1884 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Crop avant 1871  
Ellen 18. septembre 1880 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Joseph Michael avant 1920 Finn, Michael Joseph Flynn, Ellen Florence
Margarite vers 1874 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Mary A. 9. novembre 1877 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Mary Anne 15. novembre 1869 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Michael E. 1. novembre 1895 Finn, ---
Michael Joseph 26. août 1884 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary
Patrick vers 1846  
Rose 1882 Finn, Patrick Greally, Mary