This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Mastin. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.
Name | Birth | Parents |
Arnould Joseph | 20. juillet 1768 | Mastin, Baltazar Hoyios, Marie Brigitte |
Baltazar | 1734 | Mastin, Pierre Antoine Tulliez, Marie Bernardine |
Louis Joseph | 22. novembre 1792 | Mastin, Arnould Joseph Marissal, Béatrice |
Marie | 15. février 1864 | Mastin, Norbert Augustin Marquette, Adolphine |
Norbert Augustin | 6. octobre 1823 | Mastin, Louis Joseph Leroi, Adélaide Josephe |
Pierre Antoine | 1706 |