Higham, George William

Birth Name Higham, George William [1]
Gender male
Age at Death 42 years, 24 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 27. avril 1862    
Death 21. mai 1904    


Father Higham, Samuel
Mother Stone, Fanny
  1. Higham, Samuel Stagoll
  2. Higham, Fanny Louisa
  3. Higham, Lucy
  4. Higham, Sarah
  5. Higham, Carolina
  6. Higham, John


Married Wife Morgan, Judith
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 16. octobre 1890 Penmark,South Wales  
Married Wife Heatley, Mary Emma
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 16. août 1900 St Margaret's, Westminster  


Connected with building the tunnels on the Metropolitan Line

Source References

  1. #1


  1. Higham, Samuel
    1. Stone, Fanny
      1. Higham, Samuel Stagoll
      2. Higham, Fanny Louisa
      3. Higham, George William
        1. Morgan, Judith
        2. Heatley, Mary Emma
      4. Higham, Lucy
      5. Higham, Sarah
      6. Higham, Carolina
      7. Higham, John
