Neeve, John Bonner Harrington

Birth Name Neeve, John Bonner Harrington
Gender male
Age at Death 75 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1835    
Death 1910    


Father Neeve, ---
Mother Harrington, Jamima


Married Wife Goodeve, Margaret Howard
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
  1. Neeve, Douglas Morgan
  2. Neeve, ---
  3. Neeve, ---
  4. Neeve, John
  5. Neeve, Frederick
  6. Neeve, William
  7. Neeve, Charles
  8. Neeve, Isabel


John B. H. Neeve served in the Crimean War where he was wounded in the leg. He was later an officer in the Finance department in Ottawa. He had eight children.


  1. Neeve, ---
    1. Harrington, Jamima
      1. Neeve, John Bonner Harrington
        1. Goodeve, Margaret Howard
          1. Neeve, Douglas Morgan
          2. Neeve, Charles
          3. Neeve, ---
          4. Neeve, William
          5. Neeve, Isabel
          6. Neeve, Frederick
          7. Neeve, John
          8. Neeve, ---
