Neve, Albert James

Birth Name Neve, Albert James
Gender male
Age at Death 46 years, 8 months, 24 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 8. octobre 1880 Lingwood, Norfolk  
Death juillet 1927 Winnipeg, Manitoba  


Mother Fisher, Anna Maria
  1. Neve, John
  2. Neve, Frank
  3. Neve, Ellen
  4. Neve, Gertrude
  5. Neve, Kate
  6. Neve, Ernest Edwin
  7. Neve, Grace Violet


Married Wife



Albert James served 5 years with the mounted police. After the Boer War, he came to Winipeg where his sister Grace (listed as his next of kin) lived, at 800 Grovesner Ave. He enlisted in World War 1, Sept. 23, 1914, and went overseas. His former trade or occupation was listed as a Detective. He was 5 ft 9 in. tall with dark black hair and brown eyes. Albert James came to Canada after the war (Catherine followed with Peggy, who was born in London) to homestead. He passed away in July, 1927. John Ernest Neve was born 2 weeks after their arrival in Winnipeg, May 11th, l9l9.


  1. Fisher, Anna Maria
    1. Neve, Albert James
    2. Neve, John
    3. Neve, Frank
    4. Neve, Ellen
    5. Neve, Gertrude
    6. Neve, Kate
    7. Neve, Ernest Edwin
    8. Neve, Grace Violet
