Neve, Helen

Birth Name Neve, Helen
Gender female
Age at Death 59 years, 8 months, 13 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth juin 1870 Saranac, Michigan  
Death 14. février 1930 Pierson, Michigan  

Cause: burns

Burial 14. février 1930 Pierson Cemetery  


Father Neve, James Page
Mother Kenney, Anstis
  1. Neve, Page William
  2. Neve, Charles Louis
  3. Neve, Martha
  4. Neve, Anna Sara
  5. Neve, Mary Jane
  6. Neve, Edward James


Married Husband Hucklebury, Harvey
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources


Nancy says "According to my sister-in-law, Francine (and also Genieve Beduhn), they both confirmed Helen Neve was married to Harvey Hucklebury. (Different last name spelling from Phillip Huckleberry) it seems they divorced. As Helen Neve was buried under the Name of "Helen Neve" she has no children and she was my hubby's father's favorite Aunt. Helen smoked a clay pipe. The cause of her death was from burns suffered at a Bakery Fire. I have been told she was baking some donuts and her sweater caught on fire and the extensive burns she received was the cause of her death. I have been told she owned the Bakery in Dewit, Michigan. I have not been able to find a news paper story on her death but
will continue to look."


  1. Neve, James Page
    1. Kenney, Anstis
      1. Neve, Page William
      2. Neve, Charles Louis
      3. Neve, Martha
      4. Neve, Anna Sara
      5. Neve, Mary Jane
      6. Neve, Helen
        1. Hucklebury, Harvey
      7. Neve, Edward James
