Neve, Basil Hovenden

Birth Name Neve, Basil Hovenden
Gender male
Age at Death 39 years, 2 months, 7 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 28. juin 1875 Wood Green, London  
Death 5. septembre 1914 HMS Pathfinder (KIA)  
Burial   Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent  
Occupation     Fitter


Father Neve, Julius Robert
Mother Higham, Isabelle Emma
  1. Neve, Muriel Jessie
  2. Neve, Julius Higham
  3. Neve, Gerald Alfred
  4. Neve, Dorothea le Neve


Married Wife


His estate was valued at £768 and all left to his wife. His name is on the war monument in Chipping Camden as well as in St James' Church north aisle. In addition, there is a metal plate on the wall reading : "In humble submission to the will of God, this tablet is placed to the memory of Basil Hovenden Neve, R.N. youngest son of Julius R. and Isabelle E. Neve of this town who lost his life on HMS Pathfinder when that ship was torpedoed by a German submarine off St Abbs Head in the North Sea September 5th 1914 age 39."

Source References

  1. #1


  1. Neve, Julius Robert
    1. Higham, Isabelle Emma
      1. Neve, Muriel Jessie
      2. Neve, Julius Higham
      3. Neve, Gerald Alfred
      4. Neve, Basil Hovenden
      5. Neve, Dorothea le Neve
