
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Giesler. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Parents
Alice 6. février 1838 Giesler, William Lloyd, Sophia Pettit
Ann Caroline 18. mai 1808 Giesler, Charles Frederick Norvell (or Norval), Caroline
Charles Frederick 1777 Giesler, John Gottlieb
Charles Frederick 26. avril 1831 Giesler, William Lloyd, Sophia Pettit
Charles Frederick 6. août 1801 Giesler, Charles Frederick Norvell (or Norval), Caroline
Ellen 11. octobre 1836 Giesler, William Lloyd, Sophia Pettit
John Gottlieb    
Sophia 21. mars 1833 Giesler, William Lloyd, Sophia Pettit
William 6. août 1801 Giesler, Charles Frederick Norvell (or Norval), Caroline